Monday Jan. 23, 2017
Four years?
Most crystal balls?
Trump & Circumstance – protests too; our American neighbours now pondering whether ‘every has changed’ or ‘nothing has changed’ – campaign continuation: smoke, mirrors, bravado and false statements drowning every crowd an dismissing facts and intelligence – or will it be like Y2K, a non-event and the sun will come out tomorrow?
Trump will likely be bad for his country and good for his brand. I’m unconcerned with his ego or his future, but concerned about relevance and stability of his presidency, because my country isn’t moving. We’ve been attached along our 49th parallel since birth of our countries and we can’t vote with our feet. Others however may move their pieces around the world-game board. Will actions of Europe, Russia, China and Middle East bode well for America and us (it’s biggest neighbor and trading partner) or not?
Too many people wished him ill and thought him vile/impossible but didn’t appreciate the reality of his movement, energy of his followers and skill of his campaign operatives – chief among those doubters and unsuspecting dupes, his own party. Republicans are not surprised they regained the control of both houses of congress. Many of them worked hard and earned that success – and we all must wonder if the cause was Clinton campaign ineptitude without coat-tails, voter apathy or the Russians? All of the above? None of the above?
Disruptive? Absolutely.
Will he be transformational? Doubtful.
Is that 35 page dosier verifiable or gripping fiction?
We may never know, but in the fullness of time – fact v. fiction will self-reveal.
Pinch yourself – this is not a dream or a B movie.