Sunday Jan. 29, 2017
Life’s never ending series of multiple-choice questions – from disparate sources, some days pulling us into self-reckoning vortex to path or plan we neither designed, predicted or dreamt/wished for …
Or did we ask somehow?
That question and linger for another day.
Choices feel good once we’ve made them. Or, they feel fantastic.
Choices hardly never feel bad when we make them, because we avoid distasteful ones.
We choose well in people or products or directions – or, rather, we intend to choose well. We get better and better at this through experience and in time we trust our own minds to know what is best for us, what fits our needs/wants and which fit our value systems, our sense of ‘how we want things to be’.
We trust our gut more because we come to realize our brains have been making choices all our lives – we don’t need to read a Malcolm Gladwell book to trust human-computing power between our ears.
In our jobs/careers/professions, so many choices carrying with them ‘either/or’ or ‘choose one of these’ and only rarely, ‘none of the above’. More often, ‘all of the above’ and not necessarily in the easiest or preferred sequence. Some things take one to four years, but a life and a lifetime take longer. And at every corner we are offered, forced or persuaded to choose our ‘next choices’. And nobody wants to miss a great opportunity – so we want to look at everything as if we are walking/talking remote controls, finding what is one and insatiably curious about ‘what else is on?’ or ‘who is available?’ or ‘what options do we have?’.
Every path, every person, every idea the pops into our head – offers untold choices beyond going fast or slow, left or right, right or wrong, good or bad – if only it was that simple. Baby steps says one part of the brain, ‘foot on the accelerator’ says another. Pick, choose – ready, fire, aim …