Tuesday Jan. 3, 2017
What is this?
What are you looking for?
Often I wonder why people read my columns – no continuity of theme, not espousing or preaching a philosophy, no scholar or widely recognized expert, good at many things, perhaps great at some – what, of all that is important to you?
What do you look for here?
The reason I wonder, is that on any particular day – that’s my question for me. What am I looking for? Some days I feel lost and would like an idea to grab onto like it was a lifeline. Some days I feel in the flow, in the know, in the glow – of feeling completely immersed in something, in some idea, in someone, in some plan, some dream or some clever scheme (not the sinister kind) to make some project or dream a reality.
Some days I want to help someone. Some days I want someone to help me. Some days I know exactly who I want to help or to get help from. Most days I have no clue if it is that person, this person, or you.
I would not describe myself as a ‘type’ or writer – but from the first time I hit the keys on my first typewriter I was mesmerized somehow. That seventh grade typing glass on old Underwoods clunkers was probably the most important single element of my education – but I digress.
Striking keys – putting down the first word, then the next – is a wandering and wondering exercise in figuring life out, working through problems and realizing dreams.
I am so grateful that so many people look in every day. I’m a realist and I know not everyone who is on my list is a reader of every column every day – though some are and I appreciate your support and loyalty. To those who look here occasionally, I hope you find something of value when you look. Realize I am not trying to do something monumental every day, because often I’m not … but I am focused on thinking about, writing about and figuring out something for me. Sometimes that’s just telling a story, discussing an experience or venting about something.
And I welcome anyone who wishes, either privately or ‘for publication’ to give me feedback about why you read this …
P.S.: movie review: FENCES, a vehicle for Denzel Washington to make more money – some intense over-acting early on, a great middle and an emotional ending. If you are looking for the funny, you won’t find it here. Based on a successful play. As a movie, it’s a very good play – because of how it is set, and how it is acted. As for Denzel, he’s a good actor – but after watching this, I’m not so sure he’s a great director. Now, the casting … somebody did a great job there, some stellar performances.