Revolt isn’t limited to season or year – connected to fear. Or laws of man or nature. Read news, put your ear to the ground. Seems laws and lawmakers, law enforcers too, everywhere are experiencing a tough time of reconciliation. How can we explain behavior, individual or group?
What people think. Feel. Ought to be a law. Defined.
As law.
Things happen. Consistent, provable. Graphs, math and science – how things are. Natural laws give comfort. 2 + 2 = 4, always. No parliament passed ‘law of gravity’, no elected group created a ‘human constitution’.
Well, how are things?
written / published from Calgary, AB
morning walk with Gusta: 13C/56F, cloudy – steady breeze, Gusta was confused by a flashing-strobe-like cyclist’s light … as did that deer hiding in the bushes …