Saturday July 13, 2019
Is it really as simple as about good habits vs. bad habits, developing new habits that are replacing old ones?
Or do we just get cozy with our familiar routines – like the way we gravitate to our favourite jacket or comfy old sweater?
Change, change making and resistance to change are subjects abundant in the self-help literature world, but I keep wondering whether it is change we resist, or better ideas we resist, or the person making suggestions that we resist?
We are what we get used to.
I think it’s the discomfort we resist.
Big things or little things – give me routine and comfort and ease-of-being and I won’t complain; these may not contribute to anything good, but they contribute to comfort which is something we all want.
Comfort, or rather the avoidance of discomfort, is a pretty ubiquitous need/want.
Experience has taught me discomfort is probably a far more productive space to be in, in terms of productivity and intellectual activity.
Being a slug or sloth is a summer afternoon comfort, neither gets us very far.
Disturb my comfort, violate my comfort zone and give me surprise, then suddenly every nerve in my body is on edge, my brain gets busy …
Reader feedback:
There is nothing wrong with wanting that relationship. It's a healthy way of building a life together. I am grateful my Soulmate and I have that type of relationship. We converse for a few hours everyday and then we are either off doing our jobs or he is sleeping as he gets up at 1:30 am to go to work till 3:00pm everyday, 7 days a week. Every 3 weeks we make a date day when we focus on doing something together. For us it works. I truly pray that you find your Soulmate. You truly deserve to. Cheers!, MJ, Calgary, AB