Friday, July 15, 2022
What kind of world we want is a term often woven into political speeches – activists too, and the guilt-you line about what kind of world we leave for our grandchildren. That’s all good. It scares voters for a moment and conjures the notion that a leader or party/movement will save the planet for future generations.
In contrast, consider the current headlines grabbing attention – I saw a photo from Switzerland where they are covering the toe of a glacier to slow its summertime melting.
These extreme views of stewardship over time vs. panic now seem like the arc of a pendulum that swings back and forth.
Yes, I’m concerned about the world my grandchildren and their children will inhabit. But for now, I’m questioning the one I’m living in now, and I want it to be better for me.
This is not what we all do as a group, in unison, or in any organized way for 8.0 billion of us.
It’s what we each do X 8.0 billion = a lot!
I watched a bright green caterpillar cross the sidewalk yesterday, and as caterpillars go, he was in a hurry. He didn’t appear to be running from another critter, but it didn’t seem with purpose either. He’s completely independent of all the other caterpillars in the world, going about his business and moving from breakfast into the rest of his day.
Like all of us, starting his day in a dangerous and competitive world – thinking green, living green, and as Kermit taught us, it ain’t easy being green.
Reader feedback:
The Lego black market in Russia will thrive and there will be no shortage of entrepreneurial players around the world ready to exploit the opportunity, RH, Calgary, AB
Concerns over inflation and possibly a recession was written on the wall a year or more ago but our central banks missed it. Add in the economy crushing policies of our dilettante Prime Minister Trudope and Biden to the south of us and their political views as an inflationary factor rather than working together towards energy self sufficiency. We could be selling gas and other products to the EU, instead they have to revisit starting up coal fired power plants again, producing higher emissions. The war in Ukraine doesn’t help, true, but it’s our own government that really needs to be held accountable, DM, Okotoks, AB