Monday July 18, 2016
Decluttering schedule: sounds like good management, efficiency, intelligent, doing away with notes, notebooks, diaries and calendars. Using software, using devices. My experience: multiple tools, old and new, are more likely to identify conflicts. Pieces of paper confronting eyeballs causes: “yikes, I can’t be in three places at once” or “can’t make back-to-back meetings on opposite sides of the city” …
Decluttering home: cleaning garage, basement or attic – everybody gets that. Especially if we’ve come from humble beginning, throwing things away is antithetical to very basic feelings around having v. having not, about connection things with happiness. Things being evidence, merit badges of accomplishments (ie: Cadillac fills void of university education, big house substitutes for impoverished childhood). We un-learn a philosophy of life we’ve learned in every corner of society, community, life, marketing and TV/internet – that more is more. Well, no more. Less is more.
Decluttering mind: sorting out, discarding obsolete, worn out, failed miserable parts of how I get through my day, abandoning ‘how I’ve done things’. Hold it Mark! Whoa, now maybe you’ve gone too far. Doesn’t it feel that way, when we dig in that garden? Where no one else can go …
OK, share that chuckle with me. Now stop.
For five minutes, ask what you know for certain (ie: proof, evidence) vs. what you feel, you ‘just know it’ without anything to support it but habit, history hazy notions that “I’ve always thought that”. Felt that, done that. Taught that.
Can we trust our own mind – that place where logic could work so easily if it wasn’t full of memory and emotion? Sure, yeah, go ahead – declutter that!
written / published from Calgary, AB
morning walk with Gusta: 9C/49F, a few light clouds have cleared/been burned off by morning sun – maybe like my mind – and chilly (now that Stampede/rainy days are over – the weatherman is cooking up warm and sunny for this entire week); we had a good romp in the sunshine and wet grass, Gusta sniffed some daycare workers on their way to work which seems to have satisfied her need for heavy petting … for now
Reader feedback:
A day late and a dollar short. My life keeps getting in the way of my affinity for reading and writing. Maybe I can find a way to make a living doing it someday. Thanks so much for supporting my efforts on Medium. I would love to hear how you came to be a daily writer for over 13 years. That is really something! My whole life spills forth in my writing, but in a nutshell: I am 48. I have been married for 23 years and have a 15 year old son who rocks my world...usually. I went to work for the federal government upon getting my degree. Was thrilled to get out of the job to be a stay at home mom. Have had a few trivial jobs since. I started a food company about 2 years back, but found not being a good salesperson is a major limitation. I have had an awakening of sorts (midlife crisis, maybe) in the last several years. I realize life is flying by and I want to make the most of it. So, there you go! Nice to meet you, GB, Waukesha, WI