Tuesday, July 19, 2022
If you are going on a trip, how do you plan?
I’m talking about the destination, the length of the trip or how you will travel, but instead, I’m asking about your planning process, if you have one, and questioning how we plan if we don’t have some strategy or structure in how we go about this. Every time I take a trip, I go through this, and while I’ve not travelled in the last couple of years, seeing so much in the news about testing mandates shifting, passport office backlogs and flight cancellations – I’m wondering about how we plan trips, whether we are flexible in our thinking about contingencies (Plan B, Plan C, etc.), or if we rigidly stick to our expectations?
How do you plan a trip?
And are your answers different if it’s a six-week trip commencing six months from now, or six days from now, or if you leave in an hour?
Most of us can outline a ‘sort of structure’ for planning the big trip at a future date full of details, checklists, itineraries, tickets, boarding passes, car rentals, accommodation plans and packing lists of everything we’ll need.
Is it different if we leave in an hour?
Seriously though, every day, we are on a journey of 4.379 million km at high speed – another orbit around the sun, and whether or not it’s our birthday, we are on a common journey that doesn’t end until we end.
Are you packed?
Are you ready?
What could you possibly need that is not already inside you?