Saturday, July 25, 2020
The theory of a free weekend is much like any expectation that Monday of any particular week will start with a blank page and a wide-open agenda – leaving me open to starting anything without a load on my back.
COVID may not be over, but sitting idle certainly is. I have a full plate of things I’ve decided to do, which has a lot of ‘real work’ heaped on top.
What we need to do, want to do, and have to do are like three intersecting circles in a crazy Venn diagram mind-map of this kind of disabling condition of conflicting values and mind-cutter of trying to cope.
Seriously, juggling things is not about juggling as much as it is the process of choosing what to juggle. We all need some time-wasting mindless diversion, but it doesn’t help our essential work if we are distracted by too many idle relaxed Saturday mornings when our attention should focus on those things that matter most. Most Saturday mornings, play, and rest are nowhere near my agenda. I realize this is not an exception to some rule, but rather a reflection of how I’ve lived.
Obviously reflecting my aversion to changing.
Whatever you are doing this morning, do it well, be thorough, and be clear about your choices.
When Saturday morning comes, I would love to relish the freedom, relaxation, and playtime a weekend affords.
Maybe next weekend.
Reader feedback:
Good job Mark, hope you’re well personally & businesses; this 🦠 is certainly a test; thanks for what you do!, KK, Calgary, AB