Thursday, July 29, 2021
Whatever we do, it matters.
Whatever we do, it doesn’t matter at all.
Not for today, not in any grandiose scheme of things, not to the world – not to anyone.
Yes, both those statements are true for any of us as they are for the loftiest leaders or the poorest among us. It matters, and it matters not. What means the world to me means nothing to 8 billion of my fellow earthlings. And what matters most to most of them doesn’t matter to me.
We are so closely related by our human species and DNA being so similar to one another and apes – yet we are highly discordant, which considering our evolved status such superior creatures, clearly we have to grow our collective intelligence a great deal more. Most of us can’t wait a few hundred years, or a few thousand, for things to change. We want our change now, in our lifetime, and preferably this decade …
We can make these arguments about everything we think about or go about doing. We need to twist thoughts around, and then the word will follow, but that leaves us empty and incomplete. It’s OK to have a deep discussion about something, but if we don’t do anything about it, then it’s a time-wasting activity and as benign as hitting the resume button on your cruise control.
I’m not suggesting we should make everything that crosses our transom must become a path-altering belly-twisting issue, but reminding myself and remind readers that we could. We can. We should.
Why is that important?
On our worst days, we can defeat any idea.
On our best days, we imagine achieving any bold and wonderful thing.
On most days, we ride the pendulum swing between those extremes.
But we don’t have to swing; we don’t vacillate if we are resolved not to.
Everybody understands the person who perpetually lives in the negative space.
We recognize that is a choice.
So is living in a consistently strong positive mindset.
It’s not a pendulum.
It’s a choice.