Friday July 5, 2019
I have the luxury of my own viewpoint.
So do you.
We all do, unless we forfeit to ‘the norms’ of life as detailed, described or prescribed by others, by convention, conventional wisdom, parents/peers/pushy people …
We don’t have to do anything. We really don’t.
We can choose to be like any other ant in the hill, or choose not to be. Does every lemming have to leap off the same cliff, or leap at all?
My age-range of peers are in large numbers retiring, retired or planning retirement by definitions offered by those who sell their views to that demographic (governments, financial institutions, health care providers, retirement industry vendors, drug companies etc.). I’m of another viewpoint – never retire, never want to retire and don’t care for the notion or the term.
But, there are advantages not available to younger working folk; much like cutting class was only for the few, I’ve found something that works for me:
On days I don’t feel like working, I don’t. Maybe a muffled “this could be a retirement days” passes my lips but only in jest, and only to myself …
I try to divide myself into ‘writing mornings’ and ‘work afternoons’ which is a great plan until my ‘afternoon’ needs 8-12 hours which results in late nights at my grindstone, head down and butt up. Also, sometimes the reverse occurs and I find myself mid-afternoon whispering “feels like a morning”.
Reader feedback:
Hi Mark! I never call because I don't have your number, I haven't written because I'm editing my first novel and trying to find time to keep writing my second novel (which I think might be better). I retired from my real job (health insurance) a year ago and you'd think I would have produced more blog posts and/or a published novel by now. But, it's summer, so I have been golfing and have a few travel plans coming up. I was sorry to hear about Gusta. My pup is twelve years old and has a few health issues including cataracts. Walks have become a challenge and I fear I will have to face life without her all too soon. I hope you're adjusting to life without your girl. It must be hard. Thank you for always giving your readers a link to my blog [ ] when I finally write something. I haven't been inspired lately, but always enjoy sharing my thoughts when a passionate issue pulls me in, JM, Seattle, WA