Monday, July 5, 2021
History and the future are both open to widespread interpretation – most people ignore most science and academic rigour.
We roll our eyes at what people think, and most of us are impacted by what they’ve on a screen or in a feed. We collectively trust so many disparate unverified sources as if they were equivalently qualified to report, analyze, and be believed.
Thinking, on the other hand, needs a comeback.
I spent some Sunday morning watching network talking-head shows and felt more informed, as opposed to better informed. I turned it off and found noise-free, and social-media-free thinking served me better.
Thinking about fact v. fiction is essential to understanding, but what we are left with is a society where too many people have too much misinformation – whether it’s political scandals, vaccine disinformation campaigns or truth about what happened, when it happened, and why it happened.
Imagine if things were different.
I’m wondering if we’ll have a roaring twenties as they did a century ago, or we’ll have a never-ending mess of virus politics …
Alberta is open again.
Many people share the premier’s glee, but maybe we need a third jab to prevent a fourth wave.
It might be a tame week, but it’s only Monday.
Too soon to tell.
Take some time for questioning.
And for thinking.
And take some naps …