Saturday June 10, 2017
Just wasn’t right.
Have those moments occurred for you, ‘timing was just a little off’, when all sprockets and gears in our mind, or a situation, weren’t quite right?
Nearly, but not quite. As if some ideal checklist of ‘all ducks in a row’ in our mind isn’t quite right yet – because one duck is turned sideways, one duck is upside down and one duck is missing.
What then – go ahead, or wait?
Depends I suppose on what you’ve got cooking …
A pie without filling? Wait for the filling
Or a sandwich without the meat? Substitute, go vegetarian – whatever, just to ahead.
Or without the mustard? Why wait for a condiment?
Some might say life isn’t a series of kitchen-prep decisions, but why not? Decisions are decisions, actions are actions, thinking is thinking. Life is moving, a train rolling down tracks. Some cars missed this trip – they weren’t loaded, weren’t hooked up – they wait till the next train, motionless in some railyard awaiting some action to connect them with motion.
Are we on a moving train?
We are not on the train – we are the train – driving something from someplace to somewhere else, our energy and momentum pushes things along. Or are we sitting around waiting for someone else to get our life moving?
Sometimes we need to wait for all ducks to be in a row, and sometimes we need to say ‘what the duck?
P.S. road trip yesterday – awesome fresh air, went to Radium – lunch at Storm Mountain Lodge, soak in the hot springs at Radium, dinner in Banff; critter sightings – 3 fawns, 1 gaggle of geese, no bears