Thursday June 11, 2015
Are you open to opportunity when it show up?
If someone cancels and appointment – do you grimace? Or smile, move in a different direction and accomplish other things?
Surprise opportunities are not ah+ha moments for me as much as they are – ahhh .. ahhh moments of releasing some tension and allowing a re-think of the day, my plans for what needs to rise or fall in the things to do next pile.
Work and play mingle today – nice to have an afternoon tee-time on a day that suddenly become more free because of a little schedule-juggle.
When this happens I sometimes wonder if I was using some form of telepathic power to get someone to cancel or reschedule because the fortuitous results sometimes seem too good, too sweet, to have been accidental. That seems odd …
Mark Kolke
column written/ published from Calgary, AB
morning walk: 10C/51F, clear and calm, a big-heat day on its way, yay! .. we had a good stroll, Gusta did some fruitless rabbit chasing (I guess rabbits need exercise too) – so still, so quiet, marvelous start …
Reader feedback:
Love the sentiments of this post and your reader in Jakarta's work! To do that work, one must truly live in the moment of now. Hugs, LG, Calgary, AB