Thursday June 15, 2017
Is there something you want to do, something important, ambitious and worthy you want to accomplish?
Do you have habits – things you do as if on auto-pilot, unconsciously repeated a behavior you do ‘habitually’ because you ‘always have’ or ‘always do’? Some of these could be as routine as brushing your teeth, eating breakfast or reading the morning papers. Or ‘I drive that route home on Thursday’s to stop at the drycleaner’. We all have them. Hundreds of them.
So, what is it we want to accomplish – and what is our lizard-brain telling us we can’t do?
How tough is it to squeeze in one more habit – or to lose a (everybody has some of these) time-wasting energy-sapping one which takes/wastes money, which creates no value?
We don’t need to read a book or hire a consultant – we just need a habit. A new one. A focused one. It requires a little planning, a little schedule-adjusting, a little effort.
What more do you need?
Do you need someone to show you, someone to hold your hand?
Of course not. You can do it.
Make a habit.
Make another habit.