Wednesday June 17, 2015
Many cultures mourn their dead a year.
Lately I’m seeing magical healing value time-passage (my dad died March/2014).
Other causes, stuck, blocked, self-rut-outing. Priority resetting isn’t conscious – it’s internalized, nearly impossible to alter …
Reviewing priorities, exposing less-than-comfortable realities, reconciling what I actually do with what I believe matters. I expect everyone does this kind of internal review, some perhaps less frequently than others.
I’ve been re-visiting sticky notes on my mirror process, comparing ‘now’ vis-à-vis ‘future’, measured against ‘values’.
Easy to talk about generally, but drilling deep, what are my values?
For more than twelve years (today is day 4,669th) I’ve been writing this column. Most of those early years (I see so clearly now) it was a singular diary-esque. This column has become different in character, in meaning for me.
Feels better lately …
Mark Kolke
column written/ published from Calgary, AB
morning walk: 10C/50F, cloudy with rain forecast, light breeze – Gusta oblivious to me (or was that the other way ’round?) the walk got the body moving the brain is in slo-mo recovery from a couple of frenetic days …
Reader feedback:
Mark.... So dadgum good!!! All my friends loved it too! Best, TB, Charlotte, NC