Monday, June 20, 2022
Being at peace with the world is more important than ever, and the lack of peace in the world is unsettling. Still, earth continues its journey around the sun, and we live under each other’s watchful eyes, where summer will be a weird mix of seasonal normal amidst a world of economics and warfare, unrest and unease on several continents and uncertainty on courthouse steps everywhere …
Meanwhile, farewell spring, we’re done with you now – tomorrow begins another season, another Summer Soltice, so tonight will be the shortest as tomorrow will be the longest.
My park walk yesterday confirmed that Fish Creek is swollen with fast-moving muddy waters but not raging or bursting its banks, mallard pairs, Osprey mom on her perch, a coyote stalking gophers, and a perfect chilly/overcast Sunday to close out the season. A season of renewal and discovery ends today.
A season of new growth begins tomorrow – but first, we pause, as our planet does, from tilting one way, pausing, then tilting back the other way – a semi-annual ritual for 6.5 billion years, predictable and immovable.
Reader feedback:
If it wasn’t for the distractions we all have we would be less productive not more ………..our distractions are part of the package that makes us work well, AN, Calgary, AB