Saturday June 3, 2017
Have a great Saturday everyone. I love summer, summer days and summer nights.
In the good ole summer time – there will be gardening.
Few things are more treasured or pleasurable than a warm day, a warm evening – easing the pace of our weekly race to enjoy this mini-vacation called a summer weekend. I don’t have a house (I live in a condo apartment with a landscaping service) so I don’t have a yard to tend, a driveway to hose down, shrubs to trip or trees to water. Don’t have any maintenance work to do. I don’t miss the cuts, bruises or sore back – but I miss messing around in the dirt, I miss the clipping and snipping, miss the satisfaction of growing things and sitting back to admire what nature can do for which I get some credit.
The alternative of course is to visit people with yards, to enjoy the time honoured ritual of the ‘garden party’, the BBQ, the summer evening of friends and laughter. I have such a function to attend this evening; something I’ve been involved in planning as part of a team, doing some cooking and I’ll do for fetch & carry this afternoon. A party 10 years in the making, anniversary of my advanced Toastmasters club – current and past members will mingle and reminisce and eat. I’m on the set up crew, so I’ll not have to stay till wee hours. I’ll be having other memories too – of making a yard into a place – the outdoor equivalent of making a house a home.
And, as with any good gathering of speakers – there will be speaking …
Reader feedback:
Thank you. This was a refreshing deep breath from the hand-wringing and hyper-ventilating by those of us who believe climate change (and science) are real. You are correct that what we do collectively matters more than how we are governed. That said, it would be nice to experience a modicum of leadership instead of governance by ideology. Cheers, E, Fredericton, NB
Well said. Thankfully, California, New York, and Washington state have announced the formation of the US Climate Alliance to uphold the Paris Agreement. THAT is leadership, MO, Del Ray Oaks, CA