Friday, June 3, 2022
Every day starts with a plan.
The planned slow day is never slow, and the scheduled busy day always becomes too much to handle, so things get moved – thank goodness for the ease of software allowing things to move around.
Undoubtedly, Adrenaline is a factor – and the extra effort, the extra call, the next call after that – are fueled by the brain and Dopamine; they have to because no amount of coffee or sugary drinks will summon those efforts that strongly or well.
And collapse follows, for a few hours or even a day, the need for sleep when we can’t, the need to rest when we should, and the drive to fulfill every commitment we’ve made (including all the ones we’ve made that are internal – nobody else knows), and how we juggle, procrastinate, triage and obfuscate, and sometimes just skate …
And many thanks to those who helped me take my yesterday to a higher level of achievement and helped me with too much to be frantic about with a shortage of frenetic energy and two new clients coming aboard – too much, too much, too much …
And yet that extra effort showed up.
How does that happen?
Inspiration readings, my daily regimen of self-helping strategies, and intelligent diet/exercise/sleep management alone won’t do it; something extra pays off, over and over.
And before I posted this last evening, another new client lead …
Every day starts with a plan.
I have one every day, and rarely does it unfold as planned, which makes one wonder if ADHD might be caused by the nature of my work or if it might be a requirement for it? [more on that subject in an upcoming column]