Sunday June 4, 2017
Times change.
We change.
Reality doesn’t change nearly as much as we do. Change, REALLY BIG CHANGE, has two components – change within. And change without.
Living within ourselves, our experiences and fantasies, within our means – comfortable in our skin, comfy in our jeans.
Living without is living ‘not as others do’. For most of us it is living humbly, not in wealth, effectively but not in any position of power over anything beyond our own little world, not in fame or fortune or luxury we might envy – and luckily, not in the pace/lifestyle of those rich and famous who would say ‘this is no life to envy’.
Either way, we live in our heads. Our private thoughts.
Joys, sadness, wishes, dreams – enjoying reality’s comfort or discomfort.
In our heads.
What comes at us, or is thrown at us, is rarely a surprise or instant shock – we see it coming from a long way off; it might be trouble, it might be opportunity. It might be health and wellness – or it’s opposite. When it shows up we might feign surprise, but everyone else will say, ‘he ought to have seen it coming’. And ‘he’ did. Does. But denial and scotomas are wonderful tools to either deflect, or to keep us focused.
In the beginning, before chicken or egg, before any chicken crossed any road. Before roads, before chickens.
‘The beginning’ is a distant and often fading memory of how life once was, views we once held about life and where ours was headed – so many in youthful zeal, fervent in our belief that we ‘had a grip’ on life, on anything – but mostly, on everything.