Monday June 4, 2018
What grows in your container?
When we are tiny, when we first meet a mirror we begin a process of awareness – concern and ego-driven fixation on the external, visible and tangible person we are – on that container, rather than its contents.
Over time we practice our health rules, good grooming, learn about fashion, about style – we adorn our container with every variable of look, physique (or failure to ‘physique’) which photography could possibly reveal. Posture too – very important in terms of how we display our container because it speaks of confidence, strength and vitality.
Time passes.
Body parts sag, hair just ain’t what it used to be. We tweak, work-out and for some, add (botox) or remove (work outs v. liposuction) parts of that container …
Some people do these things, well or poorly, their entire lives without focusing much on what grows inside their container. Flesh, bones, fluids – things fitness, diet, exercise and regular medical attention care for, but is there more inside?
Isn’t that where character resides?
And experience, mood, wisdom to tell which from what, memories, thought, reflection – that’s inside too.
What are you focused on?
The container, its wrappings, or what is inside?
What, or who, are we growing into?