Thursday June 6, 2019
Pens and pads in every room, in briefcase, both offices and front seat of my vehicle – still, I get distracted and miss my thought train. Some days, walking room to room, completely forgetting what I came to do or write.
Convinced I still have my faculties – realizing as I am sure many people do, our ability to capture a thought, retain it long enough to walk to another room and right it down is something were not as good at any longer. It’s like there is a hole in the bucket …
I believe this is normal. Perhaps more common as we age. Solutions are, I am sure, widespread and many are likely better than my simplistic solutions. A few years ago someone recommended JOTT , which I tried for a while. It was free and simple and cool. They changed it and suddenly it wasn’t free – I realized I was just a statistic in their start-up’s. It became something else for other people consumed by the social media world.
Then I retraced my steps, went back to where I was sitting to read what I was reading – and it all came back to me: consistently going beyond our limits.
What does that mean?
For some, making one more call each day.
Or writing one more page …
Starting one more thing, doing one more thing extremely well – making two calls at the end of the day instead of one, doing one more piece of something called work before going home, reading one more motivational thing before going to bed, and yet another before starting the next day.
But that’s mostly about work. What about life beyond work, aside from work, during work or instead of work? Isn’t our self-duty to go beyond our previous limits just as important, perhaps more so, in that arena? How about one more hug, one more “I love you”, one more kind note sent, one more call instead of a text, one more memory made, one more meal with a friend, one more long walk and talk?
One more hand reached out in a crowd to shake a hand – perhaps shake or shape someone’s world, perhaps shake and shape your own …
I have to go back to the other room now to find what else I forgot.