Saturday, June 6, 2020
You be the judge:
The question: free time, what does that mean?
I know what free is – and it connects to freedom.
I know what time is, everyone does, so why do we ask, “What time is it?”
Seriously, while I love playing word games, I am driving at something serious here.
One of the most significant every day burdens are things we ‘didn’t have time to finish yesterday’ – and we repeat so many of them. Mea culpa ~ I’m guilty.
Every time I have to put away dishes first thing (sometimes that’s wash, dry, and put away) in the morning, I kick myself a bit with the reminder, “I could have done this last night.”
These are tiny things, we all have them – each only steals five or ten minutes of our day.
I won’t recite my list – everyone has one. Items vary slightly, as will our rationalizations. Seriously, how many unmade beds, sinks dishes, incomplete reports, and work tasks do we need to carry from day to day before we realize how much time we’d save and more productive we’d be, doing those things the evening before?
Yes, don’t go to bed without those tasks complete!
The double whammy.
Double what?
Idle time put to work the evening before saves time and distractions the next morning, AND, wait for it, that morning time is now available for ‘new things, fresh idea, and an energetic start to the day,’ hence the ‘double whammy.’
What’s the bonus?
Imagine starting an all-day hike with thirty pounds of rocks in your backpack?
Imagine that again, but with an empty backpack?
What’s your judgment?