Wednesday Mar. 14, 2018
Within every failure there is some form of lesson – we choose to learn it or lose it. Within every success there is lesson – we chose to learn it or lose it. Most of the time we are caught up in success euphoria or dragged down by failures.
It doesn’t take much, really, to examine the moment and analyze what is going right or wrong or differently than expected. When we do that makes us accountable to ourselves. Not to anyone else, just to ourselves.
Isn’t there a better alternative? Sure, it takes some time. Sometimes it takes five minutes. Sometimes, takes a decade. But seriously, if we aren’t examining those elements, of what went well and what didn’t – aren’t we travelling without a compass?
Or we can just move forward without measuring how we are doing.
Reader feedback:
Hearing a call for help , even if it is softly made , is often a lot easier than doing anything about it . Listening is good but only goes so far, AN, Calgary, AB