Saturday Mar. 24, 2018
I was wondering about the incidence of coincidence.
Serendipity at work, or just math?
Chance meetings, thoughts that align, agreement – is it serendipity at work or just math?
Do we trust first-blush impressions of people or do we pause – wait and see, check them out to see if actions match words?
Rush to judgment or patiently waiting – value of life gets fuzzy sometimes …
Just when we think we have it nailed, figured out and arranged something happens to change something. Or change everything. It makes me think of ants in an anthill – cheerily (I expect) going about their daily chores as members of their community until someone comes along and kicks the anthill over. Could be a shoe, could be a bulldozer – either way those ants get back to work to rebuild as if nothing happened. Maybe they have superior intelligence or magical tools – but they don’t have a meeting, don’t have to send emails to get consensus – they just move into action without interruption. Life a school of fish or flock of geese, sort-of following the leader but more like all moving in unison without any visible means of communicating.
When I get fuzzy, or down, or confused about life I don’t generally stay down or confused very long – I get up and get moving and things seem to take care of themselves. I believe sometimes the best thing we can do is to break out on our own, but most of the time we won’t get into trouble or get hurt if we just follow where everyone else is going.
Not like sheep, but more like fish.
And geese.