Tuesday Mar. 31, 2015
I’ve made decisions.
Not sure if it was late night, coffee or that Organic Blackberry Ice Cream …
I ‘worked hard’ yesterday.
A technology glitch (I suspect the bandwidth of the wifi here is the problem) loading my newsletter on its website, turned a long hard day into a hard day’s night. Not all night, but by the time I finished it may as well have been.
There was a delightful side-benefit amazing combination of silence, dark, calm and overwhelmed me about 3:30AM as I stepped outside.
Stepped into it.
I knew noisy surf was crashing two blocks away, billions of folks in motion on this planet spinning through space, planes flying, every noise imaginable being made …
Haven’t felt as fully still and alone, ever, as I was in that moment.
Like Frost at his forked-path, ‘long I stood’, knowing there is a path to take, a way to make, changes in me that will change the world.
OK, not everyone’s world, but why not aim high?
Changes come slowly. Or in an instant.
Changes come in those singular moments. We know they’ve arrived.
Nothing apocalyptic, nothing dangerous – unless you consider leaping off metaphorical cliffs dangerous.
Life affirming, direction affirming, decision affirming moments.
No, I’ve not finished my book or figured out how to sell film rights, but I’ve come over – or, rather, overcome internal resistance.
Newton said a body at rest tends to stay at rest and a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
Minds in motion can be powerful too, because , without disturbing the air or anyone in the room … they don’t make drapes quiver.
Mark Kolke
column written/ published from Paia, Maui, HI
morning walk: 17C/62F, rain predicted but sun is shining brightly now – and I’m golfing this afternoon so I’ll hope for rain-lite on the course this afternoon; my morning walk on Baldwin Avenue culminated in a toss- up for breakfast selections at Mana foods deli: breakfast burrito or the shrimp pasta casserole just out of the oven – left little choice. One of each ….