Saturday Mar. 31, 2018
What happens next?
A very nice surprise arrived on my horizon …
Is it surprise, mistake, error in judgement or unexpected transformative joy?
Trust, or second-guess it?
Surprises come without timetable or agenda – experience, or thing or person – showing up without warning. Age or stage of life doesn’t seem to matter much. Some surprises are negative – but we tend to not think of them that way. Negative experiences are usually called mistake, disaster, error in judgement or _%!%! %&_*%@!, or words to that effect. ‘Surprise’ is a term reserved for things of a positive and/or unexpected transformative nature.
Next question, “what to do with/about this surprise?”
I’ve had a surprise recently – too soon to talk about, too soon to really know about, wrapped in red-flags and laughter, serendipity, silliness and reality.
Sure, run – but which way?