Friday Mar. 1, 2019
Venue change – little change in my work, but major impact (he says hopefully), doing same things from different places. If that’s all there is to it, seems placebo at best. I won’t be tricked. Doing things better, more deliberately in terms of focus and time allocation – real change requires real action.
Up and running.
Schlepping/setting up my new office, physically taxing for a few days – but so refreshing!
Like coming home from a vacation, or like starting a new job somewhere, I doubt this transition will prove difficult.
Better quality time allocation and focus WILL result.
In many respects this shift, change of venue for ‘same old’ things, feels far different already.
Like going to a new job in a new place – nuanced more than new.
Until now, just theory …
Better outcomes, output, higher energy better focused – that’s my plan.
So, why do it?
I need and expect renewed and refined focus to re-energize.
I’ll keep my home office or ‘all those other things’ but my real estate practice is now domiciled in a well lit, nicely furnished quiet place near all the resources/people I need while being away from all other rabbit-hole distractions of other compartments of work/business/personal life which are always waiting for me when I get home or spend a ‘project at home day’.
Re-ordering my work life (time allocation/location/focus) is nearly complete. I’ve been operating my writing, personal business, publishing and real estate work all from one place – a home office – for many years. Time to separate work from play a little better, time to better separate/focus my primary area of work from other work/projects, time to work at three main focuses with a better set up of organization and location.
I expect Gusta will experience the most change. She’s accustomed to me being at home most of the day most days; it will be interested to see how she reacts when I’m away most of the day most days. As for how I will work without a dog underfoot, that might not be as simple.
March 1st, my self-imposed deadline. Met it. Barely. Relocation by choice should be done with clear objectives in mind – yet fits that old cliché, ‘a change is better than a rest’.
It is.