Sunday Mar. 12, 2017
Less. Is more.
More is more.
Much more is much more. So much input. So many sources, so much information. One click away.
Add daily pre-programmed bombardments our in-boxes become swampy quagmires or slurry gravel to be sluiced to reveal nugget after nugget of gold. We can let this tide waft over us like a hot breeze on summer nights or like blinding fog on a chilly night – where are these gems, how can we harness elusive magic?
Weekends acquire new meaning – work weeks no longer span Monday to Friday or nine to five. No form, no structure; rest, recuperation, refocus – who has time for that?
24/7 sounds extreme – because who could work that much, or want to? I do. Don’t you?
I don’t mean dreary work, determined work, structured or dictated work; rather work/art/passion within. Might be painting for someone, art or craft or writing for someone – might be balancing books or plotting an IPO or merger strategy for someone else – or finishing the quilt, finishing the trail, finishing a personal or business transformation for someone else.
I tire from days, but never from work.
I avoid, shirk, delay and magically reschedule (procrastination at the pro level) everything I’d rather not do today – instead, spending time doing what I love doing.
Do I fit in?
Not with someone, anyone for that matter, but do I still fit in this world?
Is this 80 hour work week too long?
Or not long enough?
We can’t make 25 hour days or 8 day weeks.
We can squeeze more in.
More we squeeze in, the more waste, distractions and ridiculous obstacles we squeeze out.