Wednesday Mar. 13, 2019
Old cliché – ‘Man from Mars’ arrives here – what would he see or think?
If that man from Mars landed today, asking “take me to your leader”, where would you take him?
To the leader of your country – Canada, U.S., Britain, China or Russia (really)? Surely there ought to be world class leaders worthy of meeting/greeting emissaries from faraway planets. If we switch to religious, business or ‘celebrity’ leaders we are equally hard pressed to find those who stand out and proud from muck, scandal, dogma or extremism – too often mixed with politics, racism and hatred that boundaries blur …
We need question, who are we following?
If we aren’t following – then perhaps we are leading. Ask then, “who are we leading?” and “where are we leading them?”
Ask, who am I following, who am I leading? Either way, where are you headed?
Our world is safer, smarter and healthier than ever. Earthlings are healthier, happier and wealthier than ever. Devices driven by ‘artificial intelligence’ will take us farther into a future most of us cannot comprehend. When we get there we will be older, healthier, wealthier and more fulfilled than ever.
Or will we be?
Who are you following, who are you leading?
Is it our job to lead or follow? If we are expecting some elected leader of country or organization should speak for everyone, who should that be? Are they saying and doing things which represent who we are? Are we proud and happy with the results? If not, what are we doing about it?
Leadership inspires (and requires) followership.
Please: lead, follow or get out of the way!