Saturday Mar. 2, 2019
IF we are going to live our lives fully by escaping death for a very long time, we will get further along that journey of life, the ultimate life sentence, if …
IF as we get older. Correction, as I get older, I find the most important quality or tool I bring to any situation or problem is perspective – not rear-view rose tinted glasses. To the contrary – it is having experienced of every kind of personal and professional problem (but no longer feeling angst of those moments/those times notwithstanding having made so many bone-headed mistakes in judgement) I’ve ever had. So much easier to analyze or dissect without skin in the game.
IF we see the happy side of things, we’ll be happier.
IF we see the better choice side of things, we make better choices.
Reader feedback:
I agree! We have to be quick to hear and extra slow to speak with electronic communication. Tone and body language does not come across…only hard cold words. Emojis help a wee bit with communicating intent and mood, though JKL, PW, Calgary, AB
Haven’t had that feeling yet. Too bad there isn’t more of it around on the internet, LH, Lethbridge, AB