Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Returning to daily discipline – for anyone – restores only one person’s order.
Our own.
That’s more important than anything else.
As for all the chaos in the world – adapt. You have to because everything that’s been shaken up gave us a new normal – and there is no returning to the old normal.
There is no old-normal workplace, meeting process, or convention – it’s not free flow or free fall, but hybrid is no longer a term to describe vehicles; it’s a way to work. And, perhaps, a new way to live too.
Maps of Eastern Europe are being redrawn – there’s no undoing what is being done.
Inexorable change is reality; shockingly, some days. But, after 200,000 years walking around this 6 billion-year-old planet, we should be getting used to change, not as something to be resisted out of hand, but instead to take a new view, embracing change because most change is out of our individual control. That is not to say we are powerless, because when we work together or fight together, we can move mountains …
If change is the norm, then lack of change/tranquility will be an infrequent calm pause, but change is constant. We can react to change, fight change, or follow this mantra:
Be the change you want to see in the world. – Mahatma Gandhi
What’s happened in history is history – and tomorrow, a mystery, so how we adapt determines our happiness. Soon, names like Putin and Trump will be relegated to ancient history, and nuclear disarmament will be high on the agenda along with energy security and climate change.
The change we cannot control is reality, so we are left with those things we can control, choices we can make. Some of us will make few. Some will make many. Be assured, every day of the year, many people will be catalysts for change – some will be negligible and personal, some will be life-altering for society. What changes do you have planned?
I choose happiness.
What do you choose?