Thursday Mar. 23, 2017
Where are we going? Are we there yet?
Where are you on the your self-directed journey?
Research I’ve seen suggests that goal setters achieve more, earn more, and find more happiness; yes, that’s all good, but do they achieve those goals?
I meet incredibly goal-focused people – almost to the exclusion of ‘seeing that big picture’ or being ‘open to opportunities when they sail past’ – but those who stir my frustration most, the ones who get my attention, get my dander up are those who whine about lack of direction their lives but who are without goals …
Hard to spot sometimes, they arrive in disguises – look normal, talk intelligently and charm everyone in their presence. But, ask them where they are going and how they intend to get there and you see a vacancy sign, hear blather and avoidance.
I’ve been ‘writing them down’ somewhat religiously for several years now – reviewing my list in detail often. Not ‘action on everything every day’. It’s amazing what ‘looking at a written reminder’ every day can do to inspire activity and/or decision, to actually do something about. Or, take it off the list!
Can we future-ize, imagine what will we see and determine whether our goal setting is likely to get us the result we seek?
My experience has been that a ‘constant recalculation’ is going on – each goal tends to morph a little, or a lot, but either way they tend to lead me on to another (and sometimes to distractions …), as way gives way to way etc. …
So, are we goal-setters, life-direction-chart makers, or are we just along for the ride?