- see why readers like Musings, and if you wish to continue ... please sign-up while you're there.
- when you fill in your email address and click SUBSCRIBE - you'll see a pop up on your screen - three primary options:
- on the left, the monthly paid option ...... in the centre .... the annual paid option ..... and on the right, you'll see the free option
There is a button on the top of each option - choose the one you want and hit enter!
Mark’s Musings daily column is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
MUSINGS has MOVED! .. yes, the migration is now complete.
My column for Tuesday, March 28, 2023 -I’LL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER
~~~ the daily Musing column is no longer on this website ~~~
Mark's Musings is now hosted by and daily emails will be
sent out from its new home on the Substack platform
If you have not already subscribed at the new site, giving permission for the column to be send to you, please use the sign up block you see here to sign up.
When you subscribe to visit the new site for the first time, you will see options pop up right away - the main ones are shown on the menu that pops us:
- a panel array moving from left to right, you'll see: on the left, for people wanting the paid/monthly subscription, a panel for the paid/annual subscription, a panel forgenerous donors to be generous, and on the right, a panel for the basic/free subscription ... make you choice (the choice button is at the top) and you are 'in'. You'll receive Musings every day, just as you have been. Please join me on my daily writing journey and my readers on their daily following/reading journey.
If you need help with this, send me an email or give me call - I'll be happy to help.
I am very happy that 'early days glitches' are solved, and now Musings is ONLY available on the Substack platform.
AND - if you have a minute - I've relocated the Monday Morning Minute publication. It's now over on my 'Mark writes here' profile at Substack.