Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Enough already – we’re weary.
We’ve lived through two years of economic downturn. Then two years of a pandemic.
It seems now like we’re headed for a prolonged period of war – albeit on foreign soil, but a war over territory waged by the world’s largest country wanting to make itself larger so its leader/dictator can stand taller in history than his predecessors. The horrors in Ukraine and the loss of life are unpardonable crimes that are unsettling everyone on top of whatever shaky equilibrium we’ve gotten used to …
Everyone who can manage a trip is planning one, everyone fed up with masks is shedding theirs, and everyone who has lost two years to this pandemic is relieved they can get on with their lives, or so they hope if the next variation on the next variant is weaker than the last.
Now fuel costs will hammer travel costs, but we must get out. Even if it’s only a short road trip for some mountain-air therapy, that’s important and always worth the time we invest.
Reader feedback:
Why track things? Here’s another reason why……….. “What gets measured gets done.” (Not a quote by Peter Drucker) I am replying to your column party to contribute what I believe to be additional wisdom to your comments but also as a reminder to myself. Kindest Regards, DD, Calgary, AB