Sunday, March 5, 2023
On the seventh day, rest …
The tradition in our country and many others is to have a rest day (or two), a Sabbath day (or two) – it’s a space between Friday’s work and Monday’s fresh start, and we call the weekend. Many people, myself included, often label it as a weak-end.
My idea of rest is one-part recovery, one-part preparation for a new start, and couple that with recreation, entertainment and family time …
Often discussed and reflected upon, I have come to realize that everyone has a different history, and some of us vary so widely from any norm of how to spend our time, our weekends, and how we meld our weekends, faithfully observant of belief system, or lack of one.
The older I get, I find it easier to be hopeful and open to changes – some of which are wishes that might come true, some of which are the uncertainty of the unexpected.
I can only deal with my choices because I’ve come to learn, sometimes painfully, that I have zero control over the choices of others. Right or wrong, fair or unfair, many good decisions and too many of my choices that weren’t thought through very well, and some very painful ones; the choices of others are theirs to own, and theirs alone.
My choices, right or wrong, are mine.
That’s true – with a friend or foe, whatever day of the week. If your life is in any way similar to mine, it’s a complex mix of history and mystery, flesh and bones, and uncertain at every turn. If things get better, it’s usually neither luck nor the benevolence of others.
If things get worse, it’s because of some act of commission or omission.
Reader feedback:
I love this column, Mark. Even though our son is estranged and has been even before his Dad died, I, too, cherish the memory of his birth, and you’re totally right – no one can ever take that away. Cheers!, BR, Calgary, AB