Tuesday Mar. 7, 2017
Yesterday I was thinking about tomorrow, just yesterday – about today as if it was tomorrow – now, here it is. Making plans, setting goals, measuring progress, assessing achievement – we are just one spoke on one giant wheel. What could we possibly control, imagine or undertake which isn’t subject to others’ influences/choices?
So easily we accept being powerless to change things, to change anything, to change anyone – or even to change ourselves. But we can. We can change ourselves, one little choice/change/action at a time. Repeat daily, repeat daily, repeat daily – and change WILL happen.
We can change others – not by strategizing, persuading or by conversation; by simply being ourselves. If we what we are doing is healthy and helpful, we influence others (caution: those you influence may not be your intended targets).
We can change the world. Live a life worth living – show that to your child (or grandchild).
Live a life of purpose, on purpose.
Someone will notice, will start living their life of purpose, on purpose.
Lift someone.
Not far.
A little help is all most people need, want or will accept.
It isn’t so much the magnitude of help – time spent, calories burned or funds invested – it’s about being willing to be there when heavy lifting is needed. Mostly, that alone helps tons.
Future, as a whole, uncertain as any today might be. Everyone yearns to be cared about, certainly, but mostly to be seen, heard or listened to. Often, silence is deafening. Imagine if you reached out to help many who remained silent, too many never knew what you’ve done – but then, if sometimes, just one spoke …