Some days are for talking less and writing more. Days like today are head-down attention focus ones – and since my ADHD diagnosis and treatment, those days – for harnessing those days as if they were thoroughbreds hauling their lightweight sulky/bike and its driver around the track at breakneck speed.
I love the anxiety of being on the eager/edge of my seat buzz but never getting my cart in front of this horse.
Yesterday felt that way, exhilarating from start to finish, fresh ideas and conversations spinning all day without turning over or spinning out of control when distracted by anything resembling a squirrel …
Today is shaping up the same way – head down, butt up, gently whipping this old horse to run a steady and intelligent race. Yes, sure, of course, the human race is a highly intelligent race – but we sometimes race too much, rest too little and feel like we’ve been driven too hard but somebody cracking a whip against our hindquarters. – some rest is on my horizon soon, I hope.