Monday, May 10, 2021
Pick a year - pick this one.
Pick a decade - pick this one.
Pick a century - pick this one.
Now, debate these alternatives: Nothing will change; or, everything will change. Available answers are maybe, maybe not, NO, no way, and that depends. And the answer that trumps all those is YES.
This year, some things will change.
This decade, much more will change.
This century, everything will change.
Here's the better question with, I believe, the more interesting answers:
Will you change?
This year, this decade, this century?
Gandhi said,“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Change is neither good nor bad, but it’s an inevitable daily merry-go-round that never stops. We get to decide when we get on or where we get off. It might appear safer to stand safely on the sidelines, but that’s like the safety of ships docked at a port – not what ships are for – because we are wired to resist difficulties and swim against the current like fish going upstream, for reasons we choose but also as a reflection of our need to do, to make progress, to survive and thrive.