Tuesday, May 12, 2020
What makes my best days effective is emotional energy – is how I am feeling about yesterday’s experiences, today’s agenda, and tomorrow’s obligations; they pull me up from flat to functional, from weary from my load to rocket-ship strength, it comes from ideas that resonate, conversations that point somewhere, projects getting hatched the way baby chicks do – they begin innocently and result in feast dinners down the road.
How we feel each day is one part physical and ten parts emotional. I should add that I have no medical training and have done zero scientific research to measure or support that view; having said that, I believe it is one part physical and ten parts emotional.
Waking from rest varies. Most days in the vicinity of 5:30-6:00AM. My body moves me through routines, ablutions, walk, and early morning pre-start actions. Physically, I feel fine. I eat, drink, read, exercise, and begin interacting with my world.
How I function through the day follows that start exercise and food intake really impact my day – as you might expect, but sleep, plenty of it, helps most.
Reader feedback:
There have been a few periods in my life when unrelenting commitment to a disciplined routine was necessary (or at least perceived to be) but I never considered it sustainable and I certainly never considered it desirable. It’s incredibly exhausting, in the long run. I tip my hat to you, good sir, RH, Calgary, AB