Monday May 15, 2017
What are we doing together?
I don’t mean ‘you with me’, but rather you OR me, together with others. How big is the dream that will get you to tomorrow? How big is your dream that will get you to the end of the line, end of project, end of life.
Just as ‘life’s work’ needs high energy and relentless drive, so does my ‘week’s work’ spreading out ahead. My today, my week, are on this path – not every task/issue critical to my ‘big plan’, but many elements are; sustaining momentum, incremental progress, earning money, working on relationships with friends, family, colleagues and potential co-conspirators in the ‘bigger picture’.
Don’t know for certain they matter to others – but I think so. Because there is little value to life if we aren’t doing something meaningful; which is not to put down anyone who does something to survive, put food on their table or keep a roof overhead – all worthy pursuits, but I believe there is more, much more, worth doing and, as I get older, I believe it would be a waste and insult to all those who’ve got me to here, to not have some broad and/or bold vision of what is ahead and why I make this journey?
Pondering, so much needs doing, that needs to be done by me as I think there is – and perhaps more significantly, why must these things must be done by me? Because they matter to me.
Today IS the first day of the rest or your life. Mine too. Yes, underway. If you aren’t fully engaged, then maybe it’s time to get on board.
Reader feedback:
Nothing like the smell of newly turned dirt, KO, Calgary, AB