Saturday May 16, 2015
Which decisions are better, ones made quickly, or ones we brood over?
If we have all the information we need, what is the advantage in waiting?
Decisions we make are mostly good (should we buy the house, take the job, vacation in country X?). We don’t get those far-wrong very often.
Big decisions, I would contend, don’t make life richer, don’t send us off on new paths of discovery – because it is little choices that send us on those.
Or, they are worm-holes, black-holes of misdirection – but wow, what a ride!
Trusting gut, in-a-blink. Doesn’t keep us up all night. Starts simply (answering a ringing phone, hugging someone spontaneously, taking up an invitation to ‘come meet this person’ or declining to accept an invitation).
Quick choices are not always our safest choices.
But they are richer.
Mark Kolke
P.S.: dinner last night Ratatouille;Morocccan bistro - dinner menu/service/presentation … awesome!
column written/ published from Calgary, AB
morning walk: 7C/45F, light steady rain, soggy dog! …
Reader feedback:
I love this, Mark! At 63 years old, I am in the 'hurry hard' mode and happy to be there. I agree you need a mix of give and take. All give makes you a martyr and all take makes you self-absorbed. We can have both and should have both in our lives. Thanks again for following my blog jmaydaze.com. I really appreciate your interest in a fellow writer, JR, Seattle, WA