Tuesday May 19, 2015
If you were not here (or there), wherever you are – where would you be?
If you were not doing what you are (or who you are), what would you be?
Every day nearly everyone I know does business as usual. Me too. Trying what I try, working at doing more, doing better. Every time I have something figured out I get a another, hopefully better, idea.
Looking back on careers and lifestyle paths they are crooked twig-like maps of where I’ve been but they seem to not be very instructive with respect to where I am or ought to be going, or how I ought to get there.
I’ve been reading a great book by Lou Tice, “A Better World, a Better You” – helping me focus, rediscovering core principles, a self-guided tour of my life …
Mark Kolke
column written/ published from Calgary, AB
morning walk: 9C/48F, gentle breeze and chilly. Warmer now than when we walked pre-dawn. I got a shoe on my right foot today, so progress is coming – and none too soon for Gusta because she seems to think my injury should slow down here enthusiasm …