Wednesday May 24, 2017
Strong warm winds here today, summer heat so welcome – yesterday gorgeous.
Yet it wasn’t.
We are safe, comfortable, happy.
So many enjoy none of that.
Manchester aches, families grieve.
Reality, taking on new forms. Television reality shows have – oddly, sometimes bizarrely, taken on a life form of its own. And too often of late, the reality of news has trumped (pun intended) the most outrageous creative shows and outstripped fiction and conspiracy theories …
Pinch yourself, is this reality, life as we wish to know it?
I’m not American – just a Canadian which some might view as similar. Many of us might add, ‘too close for comfort’. Our largest trading partner, our big neighbour, our closest ally – is under siege from without, from within and from him …
Donald Trump’s presidency at high risk to short-circuit – outrageous ‘reality show’ personality slithers self-destructively. Enemies of the U.S. rubbing their hands with glee. Terrorists, Russians too, salivating as media and politicians alike bring out their collective knives.
As each news day passes – expecting another gaffe seems so routine now – makes it appear more and more like he’ll simply hoist himself on his own petard unnecessarily. One would hope reality of what is going in the U.S. would cause Americans to pause, to ask “what have we done?” and take serious steps to fix it. Globalized economy and terror manifest notwithstanding what get said in capitals of the world. Every NEWS-day brings some fresh twist, another déjà vu moment reminiscent of that summer, of 1974 when Richard Nixon resigned as the last elements of the Watergate cover up became uncovered, unraveled and proved his culpability.