Friday May 26, 2017
In my mind – between sniffles and hacks, I’m teleporting to Maui – remembering the last time I walked a beach and played golf where palm trees act like weathervanes, where it’s summer all year long. Thoughts of summer road trips are mingling, memories of summers that weren’t long enough …
The itch to be outside enjoying sunshine overwhelms the need to hunker down to plough through that which must be ploughed. Relief has come this week in terms of some cancellations – time freed up that I didn’t expect. Some by decision, some because of this head-cold …
Not sure how best to use today best.
But it needs to be used.
Thoroughly, deeply, fully.
What a waste it would be to let this opportunity slip away. Should I be dreaming, working or cozy under covers? Still sniffling (how is it I go all winter healthy, only to get a cold now?), the worst seems over.
Work like crazy, relax tomorrow – today’s calendar is full, but tomorrow feels like a mountain escape waiting to happen – warm weather, blue skies beckoning – I’m again/still/always aching some retreat-place, get away space, breathe deeply, dream as wide as that horizon space. And warm. Did I mention warm? I want warm. The last few days of cold/rainy/windy didn’t mix well with my achy/hacky demeanor.
All I want is a room somewhere.
Far away from the cold night air …