Friday, May 27, 2022
For inspiration, I rely heavily on the steadying force and magical byproducts of having a daily routine – things I read, things I write – it’s a process. One of those ‘bits’ relates to a transaction I did more than twenty years ago, by far my best in terms of value created for my clients and impact on people, on a community. That few seconds each day reminded me of so many memories of a one-year project and the people involved, and it is magical. I know that sound airy-fairy, but it’s not.
Two memories that stand out most are personal, though; they are of walking on the building roof before we closed the first stage of the transaction – with Barry and David because I went back to my office that sunny March day to learn that my dad had called, that my mother had died a short while before. And another memory, just a couple of years ago, remembering Barry at his funeral – and of all my memories of him, so many are connected to that project. And similarly, they are connect-the-dots memories (somedays they are rabbit holes) where one story leads into another, and then another.
Yes, every morning, that ‘bit’ gets a few seconds of my time – and that often sends me down a happy nostalgic rabbit hole …
I use the term magic often, but it’s the best one I have to describe these things. Some go on in the real world, some only in my mind.
Reader feedback:
Hi Mark, Let's face it from video games to superheroes , there is a dark culture worldwide that celebrates the gun and destruction. We are horrified with war but criminals and governments continue investing in building the bigger, better weapon. Until we can find a universal vaccine to alter our DNA so we are born with non-violent tendencies - we'll continue to do what we have always done. I recall some of the stanza's the song FROM A DISTANCE by Bette Midler -
And there are no guns,
No bombs, and no disease
No hungry mouths to feed
God is watching us....from a distance
From a distance
I just cannot comprehend
What all this fighting's for