Thursday, May 28, 2020
We might land where we presume – or stray into dangerous waters, disruptive technologies, health scares, and turbulent politics.
Strangely, we aren’t nearly as spooked by those issues, statistics, budget deficits, and massive debt as we were just a few weeks ago.
It would be hubris to predict our future other than to say. “It will happen in the future.”
We will get where we are headed, but chances are, when we get there, life won’t look like what we expected.
There were intrepid explorers in search of better places to fish, or a shorter route to India.
Surely, if the earth were round – it would be quicker to go around earth the other way and avoid choppy seas off South Africa. Flat earth society types believed they’d fall off the edge …
Thinking back to John Cabot, Christopher Columbus, and others – and Vikings even longer ago, as they sailed west across the Atlantic, what did they expect?
How did they feel when they found something far removed, so unlike what they were seeking?
In Canada and the United States – North American, so much land and resources, far more than furs and other trade goods, far more than tobacco and timber, fish, water, natural beauty, and bison too – but none of that was ‘the far east, spices, and silk,’ it was definitely not China.
Someone asked me the other day, what my crystal ball said for five-years from now.
My response? A five-day forecast.
All I could offer for five-months hence is the uncertainty of knowing nothing at all certain.
We are headed through today, to tomorrow.
Nothing is certain.
Nothing ever is.
P.S.: just to be clear I’ve not gone ‘round the bend – I am certain we will need food, water, shelter, and each other. Beyond that, everything is more luxury than necessity.