Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Imagine if someone put an envelope on your desk. Or it came in the mail. Or you got a call with fascination yet unsettling information. Not bad, but a little unnerving.
And you know enough about the contents and/or the sender that something inside could change your life dramatically.
If you open it, everything changes. If not, if you don’t open the envelope, nothing changes – carry on with your life as you know it, but that’s not such a simple or easy choice.
At first blush, it’s simple – don’t open the envelope.
Each day that option is available, and each day the reminder that opening that new chapter in your life is possible, and not opening it leaves you ignorant of what is on the other side of that decision door or whether what is in that envelope is good news or dire news. Still, for sure, it is change-making or not. It is life-altering, or not.
Of course, we need a clue, a hint, some idea of what it will be like – sneaking a peek at the future of choice. How many days/weeks/months can that go on?
Not looking at the new thing …
Or do we close ourselves off to never seeing it?
Oh bother, what to do?