Tuesday May 5, 2015
We just have to get up.
Every morning, everything falls into its place.
No better fate greets us than waking up to another opportunity to do something.
Lucky are we who do – so far ahead of those who wake up with other attitudes. I prefer this form, this gratitude. I woke early – my Tuesday ritual routine followed.
This morning’s difference, as I plunked away at this keyboard were sounds of Isla and Alex making their simple act of breakfasting into raucous entertainment. Laughter before breakfast – now that’s medicine!
And … it seems they’ve survived being babysat by their grandfather last night. They are growing, and going, so fast I know the next time will be a whole new experience with different people.
Life is so simple …
Not a serious moment is required to please children.
Mark Kolke
column written/ published from Fort Saskatchewan, AB – home of my grandbabies Isla & Alex …
morning walk: 6C/43F, strong wind and partly cloudy – Gusta wanted to run, I wanted to walk as slowly as possible – knee )(%@*&) is still with me. We survived the wind and my wobbles.
Reader feedback:
A quote from you: "it seems I never have a day when I don't have something in my head to write about": Lucky, lucky, you! Or maybe it is wonderful, wonderful, you! My question is this: Do you write for some organization or publication? If that is a naive question, please forgive me in advance. I really enjoyed your 'Advice and Good Hands'. ( I hope you don't mind that I sent it to LCB) What are the rules anyway? Should you have resided in Lethbridge I would have suggested a 'philosophy club' as reading over your words and ideas motivates deeper thinking. Time is always of the essence for me; a challenge to get done all waiting to get done with time left for enough creative juice to flow into some kind of expression. Who would have thought there was a guy with introspection and writing ability, a sense of humour... as well as a good hugger in that body? Who wouldathought??? I just read the ending of this email. If I understand correctly from your list, you muse every day and share. Now the best part will be the poetry...which I love reading and writing too!, SF, Lethbridge, AB