Friday May 5, 2017
A great start to my day yesterday – leaders Ken and George, great nutrition presentation by Ryan, visiting with our group of middle-aged pear-shapes for our monthly weighing in. First stepping on those scales, then on ‘how it’s goin’ eh?’, how we are feeling – strong clear messages from Ryan on nutrition and calorie burning, pep-talks from K & G …
Later at home, began my daily routine – I read something which connected some dots in my mind, and it goes to the issue of ‘what it takes to make change’. The piece I was reading discussed the difference between having something ‘happen to you’ vs. ‘happen in you'.
I’m still down a new thought-alley on this – realizing something important has clicked inside me, not sure how to define it yet but it seems validating because, much like a hurdle I conquered 30 yrs. ago, there is something going beyond self-flagellation/self-scolding: “for crying out loud Mark, you can’t eat like you are 17 any longer” and, after so many iterations of that lesson over many decades, my brain is finally getting the message and making change happen ‘in me’ rather than ‘to me’.
To those who celebrate this day – tenga un feliz Cinco de Mayo …